Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday morning at Tim Horton ...and a special treat

Thinking to myself...who is really sweeter, the kids...or the donuts!!! The kids, of course :)

Got the kids a plasma car as a treat today and they've been "rolling" down our hallways ever since!


Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

My goodness how big these two are getting. I've not checked on for a while (I followed while you traveled). My own little kaz-kid (grandson) will be moving from east coast USA to west coast this summer...without me! Big familyove for dads job. We have two plasma cars on our garage and my grands have had an incredible time with them.

Your kiddos are beautiful; what a blessed family you are! Thanks for sharing your joy. Blogging has surely been an effective advocate for adoption.
God bless!

Diane said...

Holy cow.....they have the EXACT same smile......amazing eh?!!! and both beautiful kids of course!!