I tried to go see Anna today but there seemed to be a miscommunication as to her nap time and wasn't able to see her. I was pretty disappointed since I haven't been able to see her in 4 days....I miss her so much... I decided to download some pics... Here is the one we took after court.
Feeling a bit better everyday, but am still on my bland food diet for a while...Pity since we just found out that the Lajoys were successful!!!!! A family of 5 is now one of 7!!! We're so happy for them after all that they have been through. Wish we could celebrate, but I just can't stomach (pardon the pun!) restaurants at the moment....
We just came from Immigration Police - who extended our visas...We're now "legit" until Feb. 15th. A big relief since our visas were to expire on Jan. 1rst.
J'espère que tu te sens mieux, ma pauvre...
J'aime bien cette photo. J'ai montré les photos d'Annabelle à Anne-Sophie et chaque fois elle dit "bébé, bébé". Trop comique.
À bientôt,
M, K et Anne-Sophie xox
So glad you are feeling better, but sad you have not seen Anna for 4 days. I love the picture though, you look so happy!!!
Very very happy to hear about the Lajoys!!! I have been checking their blog every 1/2 hour for an update and was starting to get nervous. I'm sure they have better things to do right now than update their blog, so thank you!!
Continue to feel better,
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