What a neat find at our local Tsum! We had to get it.
By the way, I was stopped for instructions this morning while walking with Yannik. Get we must finally be fitting in!!
Our adoption journey to Kazakhstan // Notre voyage d'adoption au Kazakhstan. Welcome - Bienvenue - Välkommen - Dobro pozhalovat (in keeping with our family's diverse heritage)
Petropavlovsk |
I love following your blog. Are you in babyroom number two with Bayan?
She was my son, Griffin Askhat's primary care giver. We would like to say hello to her, if possible.
Susan and Griffin Askhat (DOB 8/2/07 and DOA 4/4/08
hi -- we are in Almaty too. Seems you have been here many days and I have many posts to go back to. Will this be two trips for you then? We have a week left. Any side excursions you recommend? where are you staying?
Best wishes to you!!!
Yesterday we were in Silk Way City - is that near Tsum?
Oops, my confusion. You mentioned Tsum and I thought you were referring to the one in Almaty. The photos where you are look beautiful -- so much pretty snow, and likely a lot cleaner air than where we are. Enjoy your visit-- I have been following the LaJoy's journey as well. Wishing both your families and wonderful Christmas.
Steph (from NYC, currently in Almaty)
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