Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the Night before....Court!!

How does that story go again? Twas the night before our court date and all through the apartment, Sven and Jocelyne were running around finding their Sunday best and preparing to answer questions while nervously grinning ear to ear!!!

I'm not sure how we will sleep tonight. Hear that there is also a jolly fellow coming to town as well. We're a little overwhelmed. Besides Christmas presents, we are trying to gather the presents to give to the numerous local officials who have helped us get here in the first place... So much wrapping paper, different events...Don't really know whether we are coming or going at this point..but I'm just that we will get it all done by tomorrow morning.

We had a great visit with Mlle O. I drew a heart, used a bit of sign language and told her that Mamma and Pappa loved her in Russian. She "got it". She just looked at both of us and began babbling away. Irina "interpreted": She loves you back ;0)) Whatever she said, she sounded happy....or perhaps it was just the new apple sauce we had just given her. Her face was all dirty, so were her hands and she was beaming ;0)) Lovely way of sending us off to court!!! We promise to love you whether clean or dirty ;0)))

Please think of us tomorrow morning. Sven is nervous right now while I'm strangely calm....perhaps because Irina told us our respective roles: Sven gets to talk about the finances, our houses, our jobs, etc. I get to explain how much we have come to love this little person ;0)).


leblanmt said...

On vous souhaite toute la chance au monde! Et on vous souhaite un Joyeux Noel. Quel beau cadeau!

Julian and Sara said...

Best of luck with court. Hope that the prosecutor is not too vicious in the cross-examination. And here's wishing you Merry Christmas combined with a life sentence (so-to-speak).

Michelle and Michael said...

Bonne chance demain et joyeux Noel! On se prepare aussi pour feter notre premier Noel avec Maks ici a Kaz. Ca sera definitivement un noel blanc!!!

Michelle, Michael et Maks Richard

Michele said...

I'll be thinking very positive thoughts tomorrow. Best of luck.
Merry Christmas

Unknown said...

Joyeux Noel! On vous souhaite beaucoup de chance et surtout n'oublier pas de celebrer ce merveilleux jour! Un gros calin a Yannik et Mlle O

Lynne, Philippe, Gabriel et Aisaule