The translations always make us smile...(always a tad stronger language than we're used to...perhaps "hours of fun" would be more appropriate for an 18 month old...) In any event, this one had Dominic and Cindy laughing...hey it's already providing pleasure!
We picked it up for Mlle O. for Christmas. She loves anything with music, buttons and lights...pretty typical I think!
LOL! Now that is an awesome slogan. LOL!
Jocelyne, I so get your comments of yesterday. I think there is more adapting on our ends though! They seem to do quit nicely quit quickly!!! Make sure you get a little something for Yannik that comes from her for that first day home - I thought of it after - I think it is more adjustment for the oldest child! They have to share so much more then before! He will love most of it though - mornings are really special for Gabriel and Aisaule - they like to gang up on us! It is so neat to read this - that you are getting ready to have her at the apartment! Your dream is becoming a reality one step at a time (okay there might of been a lot of dancing in between but all worth while I have no doubt!). Lynne
This translator is loving those translations! Please jot them down. I could use them in my Intro. to Translation class that I'm teaching in January! ;)
On croise les doigts et on espère que tout se passera bien! Donnez-nous des nouvelles. On vous embrasse. Et joyeux Noel!!!
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