Monday, January 4, 2010

яблоко/"yabloko" (pomme/apple)!!! I love this stuff Papa...more, more...gosh, that is sooo good! (We think that little Anna may have put on some weight since last month ;0)))... Irina commented on how she had changed since our first visit.

Today, the caretaker in her new room suggested that we go to another playroom since it would be warmer. We were so excited to change the routine...almost as much as Anna! Visits are a bit more challenging since they have changed her routine and we see her when she used to sleep. She is so sleepy...but she did manage to stay awake and we had a nice visit with her. The hightlight for her, of course, remains that green apple sauce!


Becki Stone said...

She is such a doll! I LOVE her eyelashes!!!!

Diane said...

Oh my gosh...look how long her eyelashes are!!! I am jealous!!!!

Lenore said...

Hello Jocelyn!
I am a friend of Cindy's and have been enjoying looking through your blog! I'm so glad that you are there and have become friends with the LaJoys! Your daughter, Anna, is just beautiful.....what a doll!! It looks like she fits into your family so perfectly and that Yannik is going to be a wonderful big brother!! Enjoy your beautiful children! I'm glad to have found your blog and am looking forward to continuing to follow it!! Thank you for posting!! Lenore